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How to make a profit out of a 3D modeling hobby?

3D modeling hobby

   Sometimes, the best way to train your 3D modeling skills is not training them at all. Sometimes just the hobby of doing 3D pieces, such an action figures, scale size cars, funny designs of daily needed tools such as pencils, or any idea you can come up to in your 3D Modeling software spare time can be the best way of improving your abilities. If you like to do 3D pieces for funsies when you are not working, you might go ahead and try to earn some extra cash out of it. Doing something you love and making a profit out of it is a perk that everyone would love to have, and with 3D modeling, there are real ways to do it online.

Where can you start?

Do some small research and understand the market you could aim with your hobby   Research the type of market you could sell your 3D parts on. Depending on the type of pieces you like to do in your spare time you might aim to one market or the other. It is not the same to do action figures to do some kind of jewelry or small trucks. The pieces you make can be used only for digital purposes, such as publicity online, or they used for 3D printing. If you don’t know where to start, the people from the concept art empire website have taken the time to build a list of twelve different 3D model markets used for different purposes. And also the guys of 3D printing.com, manage to build a list of 3D printing specialized markets for you to take the time to look and to see which one best fits with your hobby. 

If you don’t know anything about 3D printing yet, here is a kind suggestion, you might choose to enter a 3D printing specialized market to sell your pieces. *Wait what!?*. Yes, you read right. This might encourage you to learn something new to enrich your hobbies, if you never had experience with 3D printing before, you might try to make your 3D models compatible with 3D printers’ tolerance requirements. Of course, this is just a suggestion, there is really no need to do it more than using a hobby to learn new things and make some cash out of it, do what you see fit, but do it, do not let time just fly away without trying something new.

Evaluate your project progress on a hobby time-basis. 

   Remember, it is a hobby project and it should not overwhelm you, but focus on objectives and invest some time to see how you are progressing. Unlike a work-related project where you need to evaluate your progress on a daily basis, this hobby project could be evaluated on a monthly basis, by example. Although this implies a slower progress, remember that the main goal of this is to do something you love, try to learn new things out of it, and of course, let’s not forget the extra cash that you surely will not complain about. 

It might not work but don’t stress out. You will learn a lot about it in the process.

   The purpose of your project is to make a profit out of a 3D modeling hobby, not making hobby it some kind of regular job with hours to count and stressing deadlines. Advance on a basis that makes you feel right, weekly, monthly, quarterly, you choose. You probably will need to measure the number of models you have sold and things related to it, but you don’t have to do it from the very beginning. The first thing is to start this hobby project, with time, you will do what you consider necessary to improve it. But you might not see sells at all in a few months, just don’t panic about it, the joy of this project is on the journey and what you can learn from it, the final destination might just be a good reference point to keep your focus.

Create your models with your 3D modeling software

   Use Solidface to create your 3D pieces. Solidface gives access to your model everywhere you go and since this a hobby, this feature is a desired one. If you are in your house, in a friend’s house, on a boring vacation trip, you just need a computer and your license to access your hobby pieces and invest your spare time on them. With traditional software, you might need to bring the computer with the software and the license everywhere you go, and if you have a desktop computer and no laptop, this will be very inconvenient  *Score for cloud-based software Solidface*. Solidface being a software popular amongst engineers and designers you will see that there are people that already used Solidface for their hobbies, so perhaps you might find someone with who to share the experience of your interests inside their community.


   When fun and recreation are the motivators, great ideas can come out. A lot of good things can happen from sharing your hobby with the world, other people will be benefited from the pieces you share. And in addition to making extra cash for yourself, you will learn a lot in the process and meet new people with the same interests that you have to keep sharing experiences, in other words, a win-win situation for everyone.  

   In the short and long-term, this hobby can teach you things that you did not know. Perhaps, this new knowledge you acquire might be useful in different aspects of your life, such as for your regular work-related projects. In the end, the real purpose of the 3D modeling hobby is to do something that you like, and with this article, we just want to push you to try to expose it and share it with the world. So risk to it.


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