Modern design software is transforming many aspects of our lives by offering an infinite window to creation and innovation to see how that can help you find engineering jobs today. In the wonderful world of design applied to engineer, 3D modeling software and computer-aided design (CAD), are revolutionizing this tool that was previously a very complicated thing to use, as well as expensive and boring. Take a dive with us on how we can help you find engineering jobs of the future.
Currently, the best 3D modeling software has become a fundamental element in the design process used by a vast group of different industries. The usability and applicability of this type of design software cover many sectors; among them, architecture and construction, but for now we will focus on talking only about its uses in mechanical engineering work.
With our solution, mechanical engineers looking for engineering jobs in various industries: manufacturing, food, processes, petroleum, biomedical, automotive, nautical and aerospace, among others, can have a plus that will provide them with a competitive advantage. Also, those who seek to find a job in the area of engineering and even those who are just being trained in this broad field of work.
It is a versatile, friendly and easy-to-use tool in different companies for individual or teamwork. The mechanical engineers as responsible for the analysis, design, development, and manufacture of mechanical parts, engines, machines, mechanisms, and mechanical systems, have in SolidFace a tailored solution for every need.
What is SolidFace?
SolidFace is a complete parametric design software product, which is computer-assisted (CAD) and has a series of unique features that make it easy for the user to create multiple projects, more easily and quickly. Right now, it has thousands and thousands of active users worldwide.
The 3D CAD solution is a tool that provides the customer with a set of easy-to-learn design features, but at the same time very complete and powerful to accelerate the development of your product, reduce operating costs and working time and substantially improve your ROI.
This is a versatile design tool for engineering work, through which it is possible to develop 3D models, as well as assemblies and explosion of assemblies. It incorporates the construction of 2D designs, all the details and documentation of each project. But this is not all, because it also makes motion simulation and collision test.
The SolidFace technology package stands out from others existing in the market for having a graphics core (Parasolid) and having a strong parameterization. This feature allows the designer to have total control of the project and create any type of geometry.
The dimensions and relationships that are used during the process of creating a resource are captured and stored in the model. In this way, the creator can make changes or alter the model more easily and quickly at any later stage of the mechanical engineering project.
A model developed by SolidFace can be fully associated with the designs and assemblies referred to. Any alteration introduced in the model will be automatically reflected in each drawing and associated assembly.
SolidFace works in three types of environments or basic environments: Part, Assembly, and Drawing.
It is used in the creation of parts (models) such as: covers, shafts, and gears, among others. It consists of a flat 2D module and a 3D module. The 2D Module is used to create profiles or reference geometries, which will then be used in the functions of the 3D Module. While 3D, when using Features operations (revolution, extrusion, etc.), adds volume to the sketch profiles defined in the Sketch Module.
Assembly parts or components that already exist are inserted into an assembly called ascending design. There is also the top-down design in which new parts called contextual parts are constructed.
In this environment, all documentation of the 3D project is created. There you can insert parts, assemblies, exploded views and any other type of information necessary to the drawing. It allows designing solid and complex surfaces by using applicable methodologies, either from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
Looking for engineering jobs – you need a Software for professionals!

SolidFace is a tool created to solve problems and offer the user the technological leverage needs to excel in their work or in the university and make a difference when looking for your first engineering jobs. We firmly believe that all mechanical engineers, experienced or trainees, can and should take product design development to another level.
In general, 3D printing jobs require a professional engineer to be able to work with multiple tools. Must also have deep knowledge of materials, technologies, and of course, know and manage 3D software. Within additive manufacturing technologies, there are software for the development of multiple tasks. From CAD software, 3D laminators or slicers, to those used to repair STL files.
With Solidface you have friendly software that serves both engineering professionals and beginners, as detailed in our User Guide
If you thought that modeling was a thing of design monsters, forget about it and start with us a formidable professional experience of modeling mechanical engineering jobs in 3D, different, modern, innovative and low cost.
The software packages for 3D modeling are computer-intensive programs. Our software seeks to make you more productive as a designer. It is also flexible and adaptive software to any Windows and Mac operating system.
How can you use Solidface
Turn your ideas and projects into excellent 3D models and products. Solidiface 3 CAD is a creative software that will help you surprisingly improve the way you currently develop and manufacture products. The CAD solution covers the entire process of creating products for your company, workgroup or individual need. That is the design, simulation, cost estimation, manufacturing checks, collaboration, sustainable design, and data management.
With Solidface you can start creating 3D models, using the 3D SolidFace modeling software. Through this easy design tool, videos and tutorials we will show you how to create even a fishing boat. Just by downloading the free trial version you can start today to feed your creative vein and to know and master a valuable software that will open many engineering jobs for you as a mechanical engineer, mechanical engineering student or industrial design enthusiast.
Benefits of using SolidFace
The benefits offered by this software for the mechanical engineer, the architect, the interior designer, the industrial designer are varied. The 3D modeling software together with the computer-aided design (CAD) that SolidFace puts in your hands is a work tool that will boost your career as an engineer, by facilitating work on one hand and giving you a competitive advantage on the other with respect to other professionals who do not handle this software.
When you learn to work with SolidFace software, what you are actually achieving is to broaden your work horizons, since being such a complete tool with multiple uses in any field of engineering in which you operate, its applicability practice will be assured.
The 3D CAD solution allows the mechanical engineer to diversify their work, contribute more to their company by raising his productivity and enhancing his levels of creation by providing him with a simple software to handle but at the same time with high standards of professional quality.
Learn with us how to juice your work. Here we mention some of the most valuable features of the product in the development of mechanical engineering work:
Data management and collaboration
With the integrated data management and collaboration tools of SolidFace, it is not necessary to have a separate PDM system. This allows the CAD to be shared with the work team or supply chain but not the files.
3D Parts Library
This resource is available directly through the SolidFace software interface. More than 100 million parts numbers are available from hundreds of leading manufacturers and distributors of components and thousands of ISO, ANSI, DIN, NF, GB, ASME standards and more.
3D Pieces
You can design simple or complex solid and surface models by using top-down or bottom-up methodologies. Also, improve the solid feature set of SolidFace with powerful parametric capabilities that will allow you to accelerate your design further.
SolidFace presents part features, imported data, the enhanced feature set, and the broadest features.
3D Assemblies
You can create complex and detailed assemblies with built-in standard hardware as well as linked parts from other projects or libraries. It also allows movement simulations and collision tests. It serves to design parts in context and manage all updates more efficiently.
With SolidFace you will not have the problem of broken links and lost files, due to their unique parametric capabilities.
Detailed drawings of parts can be created automatically with parametric references to model features that can then be edited very easily and interactively. It is an internally developed module that is fully integrated with the 3D module.
Material’s list

Our customers obtain a complete and authorized record of their parts and materials needs, through the list of materials (BOM) provided by SolidFace. You can configure and manage a list of materials while simultaneously editing an assembly. It also allows you to add assembly drawings to the bill of material tables and incorporate smart balloon legends.
Parameterization 2.0
Something we are most proud of in SolidFace is the ability to parameterize this software. This advantage accompanies each of the steps of the design process. Similarly, the 3D motion simulation is updated simultaneously with the movement. To this we must add the ability to simulate 2D mechanisms. These can be developed in 2D drawing or also in a 3D sketch module.
With SolidFace you can create solid parametric models accompanied by an ordered list of understandable modeling features (extrusion, sketch, shell, fillet, etc.) that when dimension values are changed, or when adding, rearranging, editing, or deleting any characteristic, all models linked to the project are updated automatically.
Content Creation
With SolidFace you can create all the content that your imagination and ingenuity allow.
Standard content
It is possible to create “piles” of fasteners such as bolt-washer-washer-nut, in the order you prefer. When a new bra is added, regardless of where it occupies within a stack, the other bras immediately change locations without having to remove, create or debug partners manually.
Open configuration
The tool allows you to configure specific dimension values and delete features. In reality, almost everything can be done, including adding continuous values or entity selection sets. You can insert the parts into assemblies directly or browse an extensive list of names, at every possible change, keeping the original configuration options always visible.
Context design management
Another facility that SolidFace CAD users have is the possibility of adding context relationships between different parts in the context of an assembly. This means that the modification of one part will necessarily affect another.
Technical support
We offer support directly and free on the website for those who request entry level by email and tickets. The tutorials are also available through our YouTube channel.
Advantages of using Solidface 3CAD
Another advantage of using Solidface 3 CAD is that it offers true real-time collaboration and a lot of design flexibility.
Real-Time Collaboration

When working on a complex design, it is necessary for the entire team to participate and collaborate in real-time simultaneously. When design data is shared efficiently and customer feedback is stored, manufacturing costs and production time are reduced. However, this is not possible with a traditional CAD.
The SoliFace solution offers the advantage of storing the designs in the cloud and provides updated project data to each team member. Being able to review the design in real-time, get comments and edit simultaneously, facilitate collaborative work and make it more precise.
Design flexibility
This multipurpose package also offers another advantage that is its flexibility, as it allows changing or incorporating different designs quickly, reducing the costs of project development. With this software, each engineer or user can explore new design scenarios in engineering work, but using the correct data, without affecting the work of their colleagues.
Learning with SolidFace
With the free version and through our site, we have YouTube tutorial videos and very useful documents so that the novel engineer or design fan can begin to develop his first ideas. With the free SolidFace version you can perform product and assembly modeling, surfaces, drawings, parameterization and simulation, solid network module and instant updates.

When buying 3D modeling software, many options should be considered, such as price, functionality and general adjustment. In order for you to better evaluate each of the options available for purchase, we have broken down each of the SOLIDWORKS products with their differences.
For those who wish to acquire their own license and work alone we have two options. The 3D Pro License for only $ 80 and 30 days of free use without charges and the 3D Collaboration license for a fabulous price of only $ 129, also with 30 days of free use and without charges. Both can be canceled at any time by the customer.
Buy a subscription or a license?
Those who purchase SolidFace have the option of being able to buy a license or subscription. The license is a single purchase of the package that does not include software updates when new versions are released. Instead, the subscription allows the use of the software but must be renewed every calendar year. However, this option does allow you to receive software updates automatically and unlimited technical assistance.
Many clients prefer this option because they have a work tool that is constantly being updated. Almost all SolidFace products are organized according to the needs and professional levels of the clients. The program consists of three levels: Standard, Professional, and Superior. Each level one of these levels offers new functions. The level of SolidFace software will depend on how and where it is used so research well for your next engineering jobs .
Should I buy SolidFace?
We have a solution that fits the needs of each client. Some 3D modeling (CAD) professionals who are interested in SolidFace, are looking to shift to a more affordable option. Others, on the other hand, want to introduce a total change to their way of working and there are those who prefer to make a technological combination of the powerful Solidface tool with its current CAD program.
If you are a new, medium or advanced user using any of the professional CAD tools such as SOLIDWORKS, Creo®, Solid Edge®, NX ™, CATIA® or Inventor®, when you select a different CAD solution, this may take some time to get used to your use Each system works somewhat differently, but training modules are also offered for each software.
SolidFace CAD is a solution that helps solve the problems of companies or independent professionals related to their old CAD software, offering:
Greater security
Because it protects your IP better by suppressing the sending of CAD files by email, FTP or by using USB. Customer computer data remains on our server. SolidFace allows you to limit the way your software is shared: with editing permissions or read-only at the end of the project.
Better collaboration
SolidFace allows the simultaneous work of the design team, either in a single part or in a single assembly; consequently, the project develops and completes faster.
Enhanced Features
All parametric design features allow multiple operations to be performed in one, which reduces the number of required features and prevents clutter of icons on the interface. It also abbreviates user training making the task easier.
Extensive features
The program creates an associative sizing that is adapted to several standards. Performs geometric operations and edits through a direct selection of an entity or feature tree. Build 3D features such as Revolution, Extrusion, Sweep, Loft, and many others.
Does not require PDM
It is not necessary to buy, install or configure several chairs of PDM software programs that can be complicated and expensive, to protect others from editing, deleting or moving work already done by accident. SolidFace is recording the work of each team member and always working on the latest version of the 3D model. So you can undo and redo the model as many times as you want without losing your job.
Instant CAD implementation
It allows new members to be incorporated into the design team (employee, contractor or supplier) by giving instant access to SolidFace and CAD data by sending their collaboration. This prevents the loss of time in the project development process.
If you are looking for new CAD software, you want to migrate 2D files to 3D or you prefer to work with the two systems (the one you currently have) and SolidFace, which will be your advantage over other competing designers, is about to make the decision more successful.
Solidface is the best tool for the development of mechanical engineering work and any other use in industrial and professional design in general. Those who already own it are delighted to have adaptive software that combines quality and versatility and offers the best cost-benefit ratio in the market.
In 3D CAD systems, there is nothing that SolidFace cannot improve. That’s why we keep moving forward every day and providing real solutions to today’s designer’s problems. Try it now and you will know what we are talking about!