What do they have in common?
In order to be competitive and successful, an athlete should attain to certain regimes of physical workout, skills training, diet requirements, and mental preparation. These and many other requirements are built and distributed in a daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly work planning regime to the purpose of achieving a goal you as an engineer should think in the same using 3D training to improve your skills. These goals vary from one sport discipline to another. For example, a baseball player is constantly working to go to the post-season and win the World Series in the MLB, while a swimmer might be preparing year after year to win competitions, gather points and gain a pass to the Olympics. The same idea applies to other professionals as well, despite your goal, in order to achieve it, you must keep yourself disciplined and focus within a work regime as athletes do to a 3D training to improve and maintain your engineer skills.
A Few Examples
An unbelievable example of workout routine is Olympics’ gold medalist swimmer, Michael Phelps who trained 6 hours per day, from five to six-day a week, and used to swim nearly 50 miles a week, and he also had a 12,000 calories diet. In soccer, Messi’s workout it’s focused on speed, as you can see the player, he is not as heavy fit as Ronaldo’s. On an industry more familiar to us, Elon Musk has managed to train his mind into a highly productive routine where he splits his day in a 5-minute intervals task.

Athletes might choose to train strength over agility, or technique over speed based on their needs. As engineers, you must do the same, focus on your goals and decide based on them and it is easier when you have 3D training. If you are a design engineer, you have to choose which capabilities you will attend first based on your desired outcome. There are some skills we consider necessary for you to train and remain at a higher performance level that should be constantly improving.
The capacity to find quickly any valuable information is a skill you should train. When doing research, it’s important to develop techniques to quickly analyze and decide which information is useful and which is not. This will show you different challenges and perspectives that will be useful for the development of your project. When facing challenging stages of your path, high-quality research will permit you to visualize different perspectives and improve your capacity of idea generation. Bad-Quality research, will not enrich the mental process of your team, limiting their perspective
It has a wide range of possibilities. If you are an English native speaker, your training on communication skills should probably be focused on sharing ideas. Transmitting ideas clearly to your team requires to learn and develop techniques to send the message as clear as possible if not, important details will be omitted. Without 3D training design details are omitted, goals don’t successfully meet, the specific project stage would have to start over again, meaning a waste of time and money for everyone.
If you are not an English native speaker, the first step is to train your skills in this language. Collaborative software and its documentation are built primary in English, but more than that, it permits to build teams with engineers from all the globe. When there are so many nations reunited in one team, it’s mandatory to choose a language to communicate, and English is the main language today.

Creative thinking and idea generation
Yes, it has to be trained. Although this skill comes more naturally for some people, for those who do not, there are ways to improve it. Some academic researchers have been able to create university-level lectures and even software on this topic. To improve idea generation, they suggest some techniques such as question yourself about a problem with the perspective of other professions or individuals, such as how would Elvis Presley have designed a boat?
Training this particular skill is important in order to solve new challenges and problems. When you are facing a problem, your mind will first look at an answer to what you already know. If the answer to the problem does not come easily, you might face a stagnation point on the design process. To beat this obstacle, you will have to think outside the box, as cliché as that sounds, and use techniques to generate new ideas and perspectives.
To take a break
As impressive as it sounds, this is very important. Some people forget that athletes train on a fixed schedule, and they let their muscles rest for some periods of time. Although time frames might be different, the essence of this idea is the same for the mind.
Some researchers have found that long hours of work might lead to fatigue-errors in other professional fields. On engineering and designing, this is not different. Although when overworking, you might get the job finished, you can make mistakes on details that are important for the project. These mistakes could result in time and money wasted. A better approach to overworking could be learning to take your breaks and to improve your generation of ideas inside your work hours.

3D Modeling
You can have a hammer, but if you don’t know how to use it, you will have a fun-size paperweight. The same idea applies to a cloud-based collaborative 3D modeling software. Keeping yourself updated on the details of this computational tool, will be related to better and faster development of any product you design. Unlike other skills you must train, for this one, we have a complete learning library to keep yourself constantly training on Solidface’s software and all its features.
Final words
Do not wait until that stagnation point appears in your project. Build your “training routine” to improve these skills in your daily activities as athletes do with theirs. When times come, you will be ready to face the biggest challenges of your project, you will be prepared for anything it brings. If you don’t constantly improve yourself with high-performance training, your competitiveness will be diminished as the athletes that not fulfill their complete routine. For being disciplined and constant, it does not matter if you have 20 or 40 years old, the key is to keep practicing and improving yourself on a constant basis.